The Pals group went to Hyde today, to brave the wind, rain and temperature. Whilst walking, there was talk of nearby WW2 aircraft runways, horses and ponies, poodles, the effects of new housing in Fordingbridge, our children and how modern eating habits compared with those of our childhood. For some reason, now forgotten, there was talk of how sugar and salt used to come in blocks.
John brought Lolly along, his sedate, and well mannered, eight year old labrador, but as soon as someone threw a stick, Lolly was transformed into a two year old sprightly young thing! Some of us thought that it would be good if you could play a similar trick on humans. Then we noticed that those throwing the sticks, were looking a lot more sprightly themselves! Well done, Lolly.

After an hour or so of walking, we settled down in the
Hyde Out Cafe to sort out the rest of the world's problems, over pots of tea and mugs of coffee and hot chocolate.