More about the Pals

Thursday 18 July 2024

Walk with Pals at Blashford Nature Reserve


A lovely afternoon’s walk in the summer sunshine. Followed by tea, coffee, cake, conversation and lots of laughter at Hockey’s farm shop.

Friday 5 July 2024

 Walking from Tuckton Tea Gardens to Hengistbury Head Nature Reserve 


Tuesday 2nd July 2024

Although we were short on numbers today for a variety of different reasons, what a lovely time eight of us had as we walked from Tuckton Tea Garden, past the Wick Ferry towards Hengistbury Head Nature Reserve and back again. The weather was kind to us, neither too hot or too windy. 

As usual there were several different conversations taking place about several different topics. There was lots of activity on the River Stour and we all enjoyed watching the canoeists, paddle boarders and sailors. 

Our walk finished when we returned to the tea gardens and enjoyed our usual coffee/tea and cake. Sadly, one of our PALS is moving out of the area so won't be able to join us every time now. But we have all promised to keep in touch and hopefully meet up some time in the near future.


Saturday 22 June 2024

 Walking from Hengistbury Head to Mudeford Spit on Tuesday 18th June 2024

Today we all met up at Hengistbury Head and took the low level walk to Mudeford Spit. The weather was lovely, not too hot and always a gentle breeze. We all walk at different paces so naturally split into smaller groups, regardless of groups, lots of conversation , especially about the scenery and birds around us. The agreement was we are all lucky to have such a beautiful coastline on our doorstep.

Having set off earlier today, we had lunch instead of our usual coffee/tea and cake. At The Beach House we enjoyed a variety of different food and thank you to the staff who made us so welcome. 


Conversation lessoned whilst we all enjoyed our lunch.

Look at the view we had whilst we ate also!

Afterwards there was a choice of either returning to Hengistbury Head on foot or by train. Some may have thought train was the quicker option but no, the walkers arrived back before the passengers did.


Twice a year we have an extended day; summer outing with lunch and Christmas party with lots of seasonal delights. Absolutely no doubt, our summer outing this year was another great success

Our next planned walk is on Tuesday 2nd July and we are hoping to visit Tuckton Tea Gardens after our walk.


Tuesday 4 June 2024

 Lovely walk with the Pals this afternoon at Hyde, followed by a visit to the Potting Shed for coffee and cake. A few of the topics for conversation were: D Day, sorrel (a plant like a miniature dock that makes red swathes across the forest landscapes at this time of year),  the Asian hornet and a few dozen other subjects,

Thursday 23 May 2024

Walking at Friars Cliff on Tuesday 21st May 

How lucky were we...we may not have had much sunshine but we missed the rain on Tuesday when we met at Avon Run Road Car park.  There were thirteen of us walking, our highest number for a few weeks which was lovely. We walked along the path to Steamer Point Nature Reserve stopping to visit the small beautifully decorated visitor centre on our way.
A few of us had been more recently and pointed out some of the wooden wildlife sculptures that were of interest.

Our walk was gentle with lots of different vegetation around, the company was great, lots of different conversations between smaller groups and the views were amazing, both at elevation and along the promenade. Despite the sun not really showing it's face, we had a lovely time together.
All of us agreed, it was definitely a lovely way to spend a Tuesday afternoon.



Keeping with our tradition of finishing our walk with coffee/tea and cake, we were well looked after by the staff at The Beach Hut Cafe. We all did well to only have a coffee or tea because there were lots of lovely things to choose from the menu. A great discussion evolved over the contents of the delicious smoothies that were on offer....the staff, when asked, disclosed the contents of each one. All sounded very yummy but it was agreed the cakes were delicious also.


Next walk on Tuesday 7th June....arrangements and location tbc.

Wednesday 1 May 2024

 Walking from Potterne Park and around part of Moors Valley Country Park on Tuesday 30th April 2024

How lucky were we? The sun was shining when we arrived at Potterne Park around 14.00 and continued to shine as we walked a circular route in Moors Valley. Several of our group of eleven hadn't visited this park before so it was all a new experience for some of us and a pleasant repeat for the rest.

After a lovely walk where we chatted about lots of different things, met some lovely dogs out walking with their owners, we took a short drive to The Hub for coffee/tea and cake. The staff at The Hub were very attentive, like all  the venues we attend, so a nice day was had by everyone.

One of our PALS is busy showing us some photos of her recent sketches.....a very talented lady indeed.
The sun was still shining when we departed and agreed that we would be looking forward to our next walk on 21st May, as we have had to cancel our walk on 7th May due to too many drivers being away. 



Monday 29 April 2024

There will be a walk on the fifth Tuesday, 30th of April 2024.

Due to the lack of drivers, there will be no walk on the first Tuesday, 7th of May.

There will be a walk on the third Tuesday, 21st of May 2024. 

There will be a walk on Tuesday 18th June 2924.

Thursday 18 April 2024

 Walking at Blashford Lakes Nature Reserve on Tuesday 16th April 2024 

Twelve of us had a lovely relaxing walk at Blashford Lakes Nature Reserve, enjoying the sunshine as we strolled.  We were then lucky enough to spot some Canada Geese, a Kite, Mallards and maybe even some Sandmartins whilst we were in the Goosander Hide. 




Afterwards, we strolled back to the car park, drove to Hockey's Farm where we enjoyed delicious cake, coffee/ tea and of course each other's company in the cafe. As usual there was lots of conversation reference the birds we saw, the lovely weather and what our plans are between now and our next walk on 30th April.

Unfortunately, we won't be walking on the 7th May as too many of our drivers are away from home.

Tuesday 2 April 2024

 Walking at Hengistbury Head on Tuesday 2nd April 2024

Nine of us had a lovely walk this afternoon at Hengistbury Head the natural scenic area of headland between Bournemouth and Christchurch. It is an area of outstanding beauty with far reaching views of Christchurch Harbour, Mudeford, the Isle of Wight, Poole Bay and Bournemouth.  Our luck was in and we even managed to miss the rain until the last few minutes.                                           

 As usual there was lots of chatting about a variety of different we were discussing skylarks and stag beetles.  The former we read about and the latter we carefully avoided when walking.


We stopped off at the Visitor Centre where we were lucky enough to watch via a webcam a Tawny Owl nesting and a short interesting film about Hengistbury Head.


Our lovely afternoon was rounded off with coffee/tea and cake at the nearby,  Hiker Cafe where the delicious lemon cake and flapjack were very much enjoyed. Looking forward to our next walk on 16th April.